The Lorimer Society (Incorporating the Hew Lorimer Trust) is a charitable body registered with OSCR in Scotland (SC027135) and a Private Limited Company registered with Companies House (SC179469).
Our original aims were linked to the work of the sculptor Hew Lorimer, but following agreement at our AGM in August 2023 and a subsequent application to Companies House we are seeking to change them as follows:
to promote the achievements of the Lorimers as a family of the Arts, to locate their works and existing archives so as to develop and maintain a comprehensive record;
to encourage excellence in architecture, fine art, stone carving, letter cutting, sculpture, iconography and the decorative arts;
to recognize the interrelatedness of the arts and to inspire the work of living architects, painters, sculptors, musicians, poets and other artists and craftspeople;
to raise funds for the running costs of the Society and the fulfilment of its aims.
Our events and activities are open to all. There is no formal membership of the Society at present, but please do contact us if you would like to receive notification of events or to become involved.
Trustees and Directors
Chairman: Robert Ferguson
Vice chairman: David Jones
Secretary: Aline-Wendy Dunlop
Treasurer: vacant position
Elizabeth Cumming
Simon Green
Monica Hayman
Nick Haynes
Ben Lorimer
Robin Lorimer
Hilke MacIntyre
John McEwen
Alison St Clair-Ford
New Trustees
The Lorimer Society is seeking expressions of interest from individuals interested in our rich Scottish heritage in the arts, architecture, letters, sculpture and music each of which is reflected in this extraordinary family of the arts in Scotland. We meet six times a year and currently hold two events annually at Kellie Castle in Fife. The aims of the society are set out in the column to the left.
Please send a short biography, with your affiliations and some text explaining your interest in joining us, to lorimersocietysecretary@gmail.com
Thank you for your interest.